
Upcoming Presentations:

Coming soon

Voice from the past:

DBA Fundamentals (March 30th, 2021)

Size Does Matter – 5 Ways to Reduce DB Size and Improve Performance

South Florida SQL Server User Group (October 7th, 2020)

Red Flags and Red Herrings in the Execution Plans

Pinellas SQL Server User Group (Tampa, FL. April 21st, 2020)

SQL Server Troubleshooting and Performance Tuning: Intro Into Wait Statistics

PASS Summit 2019

Deep Dive Into Blocking and Deadlock Troubleshooting

SQL Saturday #982 (Aucklnd, NZ, August 8th, 2020)

SQL Saturday #820 (Jacksonville, FL, May 4th, 2019)

Five Availability Group Issues That May Ruin Your Day

SQL Saturday #862 (Cork, Ireland, June 28th, 2019)

Troubleshoot and optimize SQL Server like a Pro! : Full Day Pre-Con

SQL Saturday #862 (Cork, Ireland, June 29th, 2019)

Poland Data Community (May 9th, 2019)

SQL Orlando UG (Orlando, FL, February 20th, 2019)

Pinellas SQL Server UG (Tampa, FL, October 16th, 2018)

SQL Saturday #801 (Orlando, FL, October 6th, 2018)

SQL Saturday #759 (Jacksonville, FL, May 5th, 2018)

Intro Into Index Analysis

Data Platform Summit (Bangalore, India, August 2018)

Full-Day Precon: Troubleshoot and Optimize SQL Server like a Pro!

Deep dive into Blocking and Deadlock troubleshooting

Data Partitioning for Database Architect and Mere Mortals

Tips and Tricks for Successful In-Memory OLTP Migration

Saturday Night SQL VC (October 13th, 2018)

SQL.Ru Community (June 29th, 2018)

Tampa SQL Server User Group (June 26th, 2018)

Deep dive into Blocking and Deadlock troubleshooting

SQL Saturday #755 (South FLorida, June 08th, 2018)

Data Platform Geeks (India) – 21 webinar in March 2018

Global Russian SQL Server Virtual Chapter

SQL Saturday #699 (Tampa, FL, February 24th, 2017)

SQL Saturday #678 (Orlando, FL, October 07th, 2017)

SQL Saturday #649 (Jacksonville, FL, August 10th, 2017)

Cautionary Tale of Recompilation, Plan Caching and High CPU Usage

SQL.RU community (June 2nd, 2018)

Введение в колоночные индексы

PASS Summit 2017 (Seattle, WA, November 2nd, 2017)

Everything you wanted to know about Data Partitioning but Were Afraid To Ask (Half-day Session)

Pinellas SQL Server UG (Tampa, FL, October 17th, 2017)

Everything you wanted to know about Data Partitioning but Were Afraid To Ask

SQL Server Ireland UG (Dublin, Ireland, July 3rd, 2017)

Brasilia SQL Server UG (February 14th, 2017)

SQL Saturday #627 (South Florida, June 10th, 2017)

How The Grinch Stole SQL Server Performance

Malta Microsoft Data Platform User Group (April 27th, 2017)

SQL Saturday #506 (Orlando, October 8th, 2016)

PASS Summit 2016  (Seattle, October 25-28)

Data Partitioning for Database Architects and Mere Mortals

SQL Saturday #577 (Dnipro, Ukraine, November 26th, 2016)

Все, что вы хотели узнать об объектах БД, но боялись спросить

Как убить SQL Server за 60 минут

SQL Saturday #577 (Dnipro, Ukraine, November 25th, 2016)

SQL Server Internals v2: Full Day Pre-Con

Казань, SQL Server & BI User Group (October 20, 2016)

Секционирование данных в SQL Server

24 Hours of PASS. Summit 2016 Preview (September 7th, 2016)

The Ambiguous Case of Off-Row Storage in In-Memory OLTP

Hillsborough SQL Server User Group (Tampa, August 25th, 2016)

Virtual Forum “Data, Technology, SQL Server 2016” (June 6h, 2016)

SQL Saturday #506 (Baltimore, April 30th, 2016)

SQL Saturday #506 (Baltimore, April 30th, 2016)

Pre-Con: SQL Server Internals: The Practical Angle

SQL Saturday #482 (Nepal, March 26th, 2016)

SQL Saturday #482 (Nepal, March 24th-25th, 2016)

SQL Server Internals – 2 days pre-con

24 Hours of PASS Russia (March 16th, 2016)

In-Memory OLTP: Нестандартные сценарии использования

SQL Saturday #489 (February 27th, 2016. Tampa, FL)

Database Partitioning for DB Architects and Mere Mortals

PASS Summit 2015 (October 27-30, Seattle, WA)

SQL Server Internals: Practical Angle. Full Day Pre-Con

Thinking Outside the In-Memory Box

Tampa (Pinellas) SQL Server User Group (October 20th, 2015. Tampa, FL)

Thinking Outside of In-Memory Box

SQL Saturday #442 (October 10th, 2015. Orlando, FL)

Thinking Outside of In-Memory Box

Idera Geek Sync (September 23rd, 2015)

Size does matter: Reducing the size of the database with In-Row and LOB data compression

24 Hours Of PASS – Summit Preview (September 17th, 2015)

SQL Server Internals: The Practical Angle – Sneak Peek

Tampa Hillsborough SQL Server User Group (August 27th, 2015)

Eternal story on temporal objects

Porto.Data (July 15th, Porto, Portugal)

Thinking Outside of In-Memory Box

Global Russian Virtual Chapter (June 17th, 2015)

“Это Мое” – Блокировки, Дедлоки и прочая чепуха

Microsoft Novosibirsk (May 28th, 2015)

Круглый стол – Вопросы и ответы по SQL Server

SQL Saturday #377 (Kiev, Ukraine, May 23rd, 2015)

SQL Saturday #377 Pre-Con (Kiev, Ukraine, May 22nd, 2015)

SQL Server Internals: Практические советы для разработчиков и администраторов БД

SQL Saturday #391 (Jacksonville, FL. May 9th, 2015)

Size Does Matter: 10 ways to reduce database size and improve performance

 Lviv SQL Server User Group (March 28th, 2015)

24 Hours of PASS Russian Edition (March 18-19, 2015)

Размер имеет значение: 10 способов уменьшить размер БД и улучшить производительность системы

SQL Saturday #371 (Tampa, FL. February 28th, 2015)

Size Does Matter: 10 ways to reduce database size and improve performance

PASS Summit 2014 (Seattle, WA. November 4-7th, 2014)

Windows Azure: An Unexpected Journey

Hillsborough SQL Server User Group (Tampa, FL, October 30, 2014)

Windows Azure: An Unexpected Journey

SQL Saturday #326 BA Edition (Tampa, FL. October 25th, 2014)

Clustered Columnstore Indexes: Internals and Design Considerations

Tampa IT Pro Camp (Tampa, FL. October 18, 2014)

Windows Azure: An Unexpected Journey

Russian SQL Server Virtual Chapter (October 15, 2014)

Windows Azure: Нежданное Путешествие

SQL Saturday #318 (Orlando, FL. September 27, 2014)

How to Kill SQL Server in 60 minutes

Kyiv SQL Server User Group (Kyiv, Ukraine. September 10, 2014)

Как убить SQL Server за 75-120 минут

MagicPass SQL Server User Group (August 20, 2014)

How to Kill SQL Server in 60 minutes

Himalayan SQL Server User Group (July 26, 2014)

Into into Locking and Blocking in SQL Server

SQL Tune In! (June 2nd-3rd 2014, Zagerb, Croatia)

Practical SQL Server Internals (Full Day Precon)

How to Kill SQL Server in 60 minutes

PASS Performance Virtual Chapter (May 22nd, 2014. Online)

Eternal story on temporal objects

Krasnodar SQL Server User Group (May 21st, 2014. Online)

Как убить SQL Server за 60/75 минут

Pinellas County SQL Server User Group (May 20th, 2014, Tampa, FL)

How to Kill SQL Server in 60/75 minutes

SQL Saturday #298 (May 10th, 2014, Jacksonville, FL)

Implementing Data Partitioning and Tiered Storage

Sarasota IT Pro Camp (March 22nd, 2014, Sarasota, FL)

Eternal story on temporal objects

Implementing Data Partitioning and Tiered Storage

24 Hours of PASS Russian Edition (March 19-20, 2014)

Вечная история о преходящем

Все, что Вы хотели узнать об объектах БД, но всегда боялись спросить

SQL Saturday #273 (February 22nd, 2014. Tampa, FL)

Eternal story on temporal objects

Krasnoyarsk MCP Club (December 26th, 2013)

Диагностика проблем в SQL Server – практический подход (SQL Server – practical troubleshooting). Presented in Russian

PASS SUMMIT 2013 (October 15th – 18th, 2013. Charlotte, NC)

From S to 3XL: Implementing Data Partitioning and Tiered Storage

SQL Saturday #190 (September 28th, 2013. Denver, CO)

From S to 3XL: Implementing Data Partitioning and Tiered Storage

SQL Saturday #190 Full Day Precon (September 27th, 2013. Denver, CO)

SQL Server Internals from the Practical Angle

Global Russian Virtual Chapter (September 18th, 2013. Online)

Индексы и все, все, все (часть 2) (All about Indexes. Part 2. Presented in Russian)

SQL Saturday #232 (September 14th, 2013. Orlando, FL)

From S to 3XL: Implementing Data Partitioning and Tiered Storage

Global Russian Virtual Chapter (August 21th, 2013. Online)

Индексы и все, все, все (часть 1) (All about Indexes. Part 1. Presented in Russian)

Krasnoyarsk MCP Club (May 30th, 2013) 

Все, что Вы хотели узнать о секционировании данных, но боялись спросить (Everything you always wanted to know about Data Partitioning but were afraid to ask). Presented in Russian

SQL Saturday #201 (April 20th, 2013. Orange County, CA)

Full day Pre-Con: SQL Server Internals from the Practical Angle

24 Hours of Pass – Russia (March 21th, 2013) 

Все, что Вы хотели узнать о секционировании данных, но боялись спросить (Everything you always wanted to know about Data Partitioning but were afraid to ask). Presented in Russian

SQL Saturday #192 (March 2nd, 2013. Tampa, FL)

SQL Saturday #192 Pre-con (March 1st, 2013. Tampa, FL)

SQL Server Internals from the Practical Angle

Moscow SQL Server User Group (February 28th, 2013)

Диагностика проблем в SQL Server – практический подход (SQL Server – practical troubleshooting). Presented in Russian

Sarasota IT Pro Camp (February 16th, 2013. Sarasota, FL)

TechEd Russia (November 27th-28th, Moscow, Russia)

Novosibirsk MCP Club (November 22nd, Novosibirsk, Russia)

  • Круглый стол

SQL Saturday #178 (November 17th, 2012, Moscow, Russia)

Tampa SQL User Group (October 25th, 2012, Tampa FL)

Russian BI PASS Chapter – Moscow (October 24th, 2012. Moscow/Online)

MagicPASS User Group (October 17th, 2012, Orlando FL)

SQL Saturday #151 (September 29th, 2012, Sanford FL)

Tampa IT Pro Camp  (September 22th, 2012, Tampa FL)

Tampa SQL User Group (September 18th, 2012, Tampa FL)

SQL Saturday 141 (South Florida, June 16th, 2012)

PASS SQL Rally 2012 (May 10-11, Dallas, TX)

SQL Saturday #130 (April 28th, 2012, Jacksonville, FL)

Sarasota SQL Server User Group (April 17th, 2012)

24 Hours of PASS – Russia (April 12th, 2012, online)

SQL Saturday # 110 (March 10th, 2012, Tampa FL)

South Florida Code Camp 2012 (February 18th, 2o12. Ft. Lauderdale – Davie, FL)

Space Coast SQL User Group (October 20th, 2011.  Melbourne, FL)

Adopt, Discover and Improve

SQL Saturday #85 (September 24th, 2011. Orlando, FL)

SQL Saturday #79 (August 13th, 2011. South Florida)

  • Data Sharding in OLTP Systems
  • Anti-patterns in Database design and T-Sql code – (Some of the topics covered)
    • Server side sorting and paging
    • Saving large packet of data – See Sql Sat #62 “Refactoring for performance” presentation
    • Functions – Good and ugly – See Sql Sat #62 “Refactoring for performance” presentation
    • Optimizing code with CTE  – See Sql Sat #62 “Refactoring for performance” presentation
    • Dealing with master-detail – See Sql Sat #62 “Refactoring for performance” presentation
    • Views – joins hell

 SQL Saturday #74 (April 30th, 2011. Jacksonville, FL)

Tampa SQL User Group (April 19th, 2011. Tampa, FL)

Tampa Bay IASA Chapter (February 24th, 2011. Tampa, FL)

  1.  Database Design and Architecture for Non-Database Architects

SQL Saturday #62 (January 15th, 2011. Tampa, FL)

  1. Refactoring for Performance 
  2. Blocking waits and deadlocks   (mini session together with Tavolacci and Associates)

SQL Saturday #49 (October 16th, 2010. Orlando, FL)

  1.  Locking and Blocking for Developers

SQL Saturday #40 (July 31th, 2010. Miramar, FL)

  1. Locking and Blocking for Developers
  2. Database Design with Performance in Mind
  3. Getting Familiar with Query Optimizer

SQL Saturday #32 (January 23rd, 2010. Tampa, FL)

  1. Getting Familiar with SQL Server Storage Engine

SQL Saturday #21 (October 17th, 2009. Orlando, FL)

  1. Database Design of Highly Loaded OLTP Systems

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