Daily Archives: September 26, 2010

Sunday T-SQL Tip: Application Locks

There is the set of the tasks when you need to serialize access to some T-SQL code. Assume you have multiple instances of the data processing applications running simultaneously and does not want them to load the same data for the processing. Or you want to perform some bulk operation and want to stop the client from inserting the new data during this period.

Obviously one of the options is to use transactions in serializable isolation level. The problem with that – it could be more restrict than you want to. Supposedly you don’t want to block access to the data but rather introduce something similar to CriticalSection you have with the client development.

Fortunately SQL Server has the set of the stored procedures you can use for such purposes: sp_getapplock and sp_releaseapplock. sp_getapplock allows you to obtain shared or exclusive “user” lock on transaction or session context. If you run this SP in transaction scope, the lock would be released by the end of transaction. Otherwise when session ends.

Let’s see it in action. Let’s run the following statement from 2 different sessions

And here are the results from the both sessions:

As you can see it does the trick.

Update (2013-05-08): This post would provide more details about different methods of serialization available in SQL Server