Monthly Archives: January 2013

Data Partitioning – Scaling-Out (Part 2: Data Sharding)

Last time we discussed how to scale-out our system with horizontal partitioning. Another approach that can be helpful is data sharding. With such approach we are creating multiple databases of the same (or very similar) structure and distribute (“shard”) our data between them. The typical use-case for this situation would be the system that collects data from the multiple customers where every customer works with his/her own subset of the data.

When customer logs in to the system, we redirect him/her to specific database. After that customer works within that database only. One of the key differences with horizontal partitioning is that customer-facing UI does not necessarily need to have application server. We still need to implement some sort of “redirector” – the part that knows where customer’s data is located and redirects the application to the right shard database. Although, technically speaking, as soon as it’s done, even regular 2-tier client/server system could work just fine. Don’t take me wrong – I’m not trying to suggest not implementing application server but in some cases legacy systems can work just fine with the minimum modifications.

What are the challenges there? From the customer-facing functional the biggest one is how to deal with the shared data. One of the examples is shared Article list in the point-of-sale system. We need to either replicate the data across all databases or create separate database to store that list. Obviously there are plenty of ways to replicate the data. Perhaps the simplest one would be to use snapshot replication (assuming we can have centralized publisher and articles are generally small). Although it still requires additional efforts to support it. Approach with the separate database introduces its own set of issues. It becomes single point of failure – when this database is down – all shards are down. And of course, there is the question how to access this database from the separate shards. Again, most likely linked servers will be in the game. While it’s not necessarily the big issue performance wise – those shared entities are usually small – it still introduces some overhead from development and
management standpoints.

Second interesting question is the legacy software. Well, again, it’s not necessarily a problem. The database schema remains the same across all shards so legacy software technically can work “As Is”. Assuming, of course, it can connect to and work within the single shard and we don’t mind to have large number of shortcuts on desktop.

Cross-shard database access is challenging. Similarly to horizontal partitioning, we need to design the application server that works across multiple shards. With all development challenges this architecture can be beneficial from performance standpoint – we can query shards in parallel. On the other hand cross-shard access is not always needed. Some of the use-cases (for example, CRM) could be done within the single shard. Others, such as analysis, reporting and accounting, could be implemented in the separate Data Warehouse type database with ETL processes that get the data from the shards. And we rarely need raw transaction data in the data warehouse so size should not be an issue.

One very important question is how to shard the data. In some cases we can have natural criteria – like geographic regions in the picture above. Although we need to be careful when criteria is artificial. Ideally we are looking for uniform data distribution though it could be complicated in some cases. It’s not the good idea to distribute customers data based on ID ranges when, for example, first shard stores IDs between 1 and 1,000; second one – between 1,001 and 2,000 and so on. Old customers (lowest IDs) tend to leave and we will end up with set of underutilized shards. In those cases it’s better to use modulus division: Shard_ID = ID mod Total_Number_Of_Shards.

Another thing to keep in mind is uneven amount of data across for different customers. Let’s think about GPS Tracking as the example when customers are tracking their assets. One customer can have just a few assets, another one hundreds or even thousands of them. Obviously amount of data for those customers would vary greatly. In case, if we have shard servers powerful enough and store large set of the customers per shard, we would be fine. At least should be from statistics standpoint. But it still makes sense to implement some sort of the monitoring solutions to avoid extreme situations.

Next: Scaling-out – Factors to consider